
The Friends of Yeading Walk (FoYW) formed as a group of interested volunteers in September 2020, and acts as a partner supporting Harrow Council with the maintenance and improvement of our local park. The FoYW are managed by a committee comprising Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Warden, Web/Publicity Manager, Litter Picking Organiser, and Projects. We are also a member of the Harrow Parks Forum, a voluntary organisation set up in 2016 to represent the various Harrow Friends’ groups. The Forum engages with Harrow Council on a range of issues concerning our parks and open spaces. While Harrow Park’s ‘Green Team’ maintains the park by regularly collecting litter and green waste, cutting the grass and annually pruning overgrown shrubs and hedges, the Friends raise funds for discretionary projects and our volunteers regularly maintain and deliver projects to improve the park.

We have been successful with bids to the National Lottery Fund, Post Code Lottery Fund, the Greater London Authority, and Crane Valley Partnership (CVP). These awards have enabled the Friends to create planting along the entrance path from Suffolk Road and plant decorative pear trees and ‘Golden Alders’ to help mitigate flooding near Rayners Lane. A recent CVP award funded planting of three native trees on the ‘Shady Walk’ to replace some of those lost to Storm Eunice. We continue to look for funding opportunities to improve the facilities of the park and make it a beautiful place for visitors and a haven for wildlife. While funding is important, it is the continuing dedication of our volunteers which is transforming the park and creating sustainable improvement. Thank you! to all our volunteers.

Yeading Walk has been described as ‘Harrows hidden gem’. It is a special space, our local park and worth protecting, enhancing and enjoying – a wonderful resource for the whole community.

If you would like to support the Friends’ work in the park (and win exciting prizes!), please nominate FoYW as your chosen good cause on ‘Harrow Wins’, a Harrow-wide lottery fund supporting local charities. Tickets cost just £1 per week and you can win up to £25,000!